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Arrival & Dismissal

View Arrival & Dismissal Map

  • Arrival

1. Front Entrance starts at 7:20 a.m. (Any Grades): Drop off at cafeteria entrance in front loop of school, entering off Luther Knox Rd. Look for Drop-off Sign.
If arriving at 7:20 a.m. utilize the front drop off.

2. Back Entrance starts at 7:30 a.m. (Any Grades): Enter the back parking lot via Luther Knox Rd, follow Drop-off Signs around to the back of the school.  Look for Drop-off Signs

After 7:50 a.m. your child is considered Tardy, so an adult will need to walk them in to the front foyer to sign them in.

  • Dismissal

1. Kindergarten, 4th and 5th grade students will dismiss from the Front Entrance. Enter off Luther Knox Rd and turn left, coming from Gallagher; form 2 lines (left lane along curb is for KG only; right lane along curb is for 4th & 5th Gr only). After securing your child, you will need to turn right and exit on Luther Knox Rd towards Gallagher.  You will not be able to turn left toward East Pecan Grove during Dismissal.

2. 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students will dismiss from the Back Entrance. Enter off Luther Knox Rd and turn right into back parking lot, entering from East Pecan Grove; form 2 lines; follow signs for pick-up procedures. Watch for the STOP signs for each grade level, and watch for teachers to direct you. After securing your child, you will need to turn left and exit on Luther Knox Rd towards East Pecan Grove. You will not be able to right toward Gallagher during Dismissal.

If you are picking students up from multiple grade levels, please speak with your child/children’s teachers prior to the first day.  We can arrange for younger siblings to meet up with the older siblings so you will only need to go through one pick-up line.

  • Always have your pickup tag visible.
  • Stay in your car.
  • Do not park in the driveways.
  • Please be patient.